Welcome To Our Church Home on the Web!
Please contact our office or staff with any questions that you may have. Or join us for Worship or Bible Study, we would welcome the opportunity to meet you in person!
Sunday Service Times
Sunday Bible Study 10am
Sunday Worship 11am
Awana 5:30pm
Youth 5:30pm
Evening Prayer Service 6pm
About Us
New Oak Grove Baptist Church is a Southern Baptist Church located in the northern (most beautiful) part of Alachua County.
New Here?
Searching for a church home can be difficult, we understand. You have made the first step in searching, please take the time to learn more about us online or simply come visit. You will find a greeter at any door that would be more than happy to assist you.
Bible Reading
The very core of our church and walk with the Lord is His Word. This link will take you to the Bible in any translation or language. We are reading through the Bible together in 2023, click on the link to join us in the (canonical Bible reading plan)